What Is Technical Seo?

Technical SEO is an important part of an effective search engine optimization strategy. With this
type of SEO, the technical aspects of your website are upgraded to appease the search engine
crawlers, spiders, or bots. This improves your website credibility and ranking on organic
searches. Many of the upgrades also benefit your site overall and will offer a better experience
for customers.

Technical SEO includes factors like meta tags, sitemaps, page speed, JavaScript indexing,
duplicate content, and bad link audits, site security and structured data upgrades, and ensuring
your website has a responsive, mobile-friendly design. Now you know what technical SEO is, so
let’s dive deeper!

Why Does Technical SEO Matter For My Website?

Google and other search engines look for certain technical qualities in a website. These
qualities make your site more trustworthy and appealing to search engines. Technical SEO
optimizes these features to encourage a more positive experience for search engines and
consumers when using your website. It also helps boost your organic search rankings.

What Is A Technical SEO Audit?

A technical SEO audit provides a full review of the technical aspects of your business website.
Think of it like a performance review for your website. Digital Wave Media Group will analyze
various technical issues like page speed, code, tags, sitemaps, content, links, site security,
responsiveness, and more. We will let you know how your site is doing, what needs improving
and what looks good. If you would like a no-cost SEO audit for your small business, click here.

What Are Technical Factors In SEO?

There are several important factors to include in technical SEO. Here is a list of our top
considerations when we perform technical SEO audits and upgrades.

  1. The first thing we check is site speed. You do not want your pages to lag. Customers do
    not stay on slow sites and Google knows this. Consider a slow site a strike against your
    business goals.
  1. Site responsiveness is so important in this mobile driven world. How many times a day
    do you use your phone to look for a restaurant, local business, recipe or just do a google
    search? Be certain your website is optimized for computers, tablets, and mobile devices.
  2. An easy to maneuver internal linking structure is crucial for search engines to
    understand your website.
  3. Add structured data to help search engines understand your business better.
  4. Find and destroy any dead links on your website. This is another factor that improves
    your relationship with search engines and your human visitors.
  5. Avoid duplicate content. It confuses search engines and may have them push searchers
    in the wrong direction. It is also a big no no with search engines and they may penalize
    your site.
  6. Ensure site security with HTTPS and SSL certificate. A secure site is going to get a
    higher ranking from search engines and will be more likely to be clicked on and browsed
    by consumers.
  7. If you don’t already have an XML sitemap, set one up. A sitemap is basically an index of
    the pages on your site. It is another way to help search engines understand your site
    and help them find information quicker.

Technical SEO is something many online business owners scratch their heads over. And that is
normal. After all, it’s technical! There are some steps you may be able to improve on your own,
but other aspects will be better left to the experts. While adopting some technical SEO may
incur some upfront costs, the benefits will show up quickly and last for quite a while. Improve
your website for search engine rankings and your customers with technical SEO.

About Me

Digital Wave Media Group, A Digital Agency which aims to serve its clients with complete online business solution. 

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